Our Non-profit is moving with great strides as we expand our operations within the Stoney Shire Creation Center. With that, we wanted to be sure we could start representing and promoting artists, crafters, and entrepreneurs in our community.  We still have a few steps to go, but we would like to introduce to you: The S.O.A.P. Box


The Shire’s Observations of Advanced Perceptions will be a podcast primarily based on our local artisans and entrepreneurs; however, we will reach out globally as well. Here we can interview, promote and connect with passionate and hard-working individuals that help propel the betterment of themselves and our community.


With this concept in mind and underway, our near future endeavor will pair well with this as we present more opportunities for our youth and the community. This studio will play a multifaceted role in one of our most beneficial aspects that is yet to be announced. 


We will provide more details in the coming weeks as we fine tune our offices and recording room.

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